Please contact Albany Fiber Communications at 320-845-2101 if you need help.
Internet Service Slow?
It might be your WiFi equipment ruining your fiber Internet experience. We can maximize your speed with Managed WiFi.
Update Your Email Settings
Our mail server will be changing to mail.albanytel.com. Because of this you will need to delete and re-add your email account with this new server. Please do NOT make any changes until 10/15/2024, because if you do, you will not be able to access your emails. Please do it on 10/15/2024 or after that date.
If you encounter any issues with setting up your email client on the cutoff date of 10/15/2024 you can go to webmail.albanytel.com to access all your emails.
Email Settings
We recommend that you use the Incoming port 993 and Outgoing port 587 for all devices.
- Incoming mail server: mail.albanytel.com
- Outgoing mail server: mail.albanytel.com
- Username: Full Email Address (example@albanytel.com)
- Password: Email Password
Ports Available
- Incoming Server (IMAP): 993
- Incoming Server (POP): 995
- Outgoing Server (SMTP): 465
- Outgoing Server (SMTP): 587
- SSL/TLS encryption must be enabled on all incoming and outgoing ports.